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P34B is significantly contributing to the Lancashire Skills Improvement Plan by implementing a comprehensive and strategic approach to skills development and training.

Steve Jones has also been instrumental in the LCC Project Plan for Skills Bootcamp Wave 5, which aims to deliver flexible training programs based on in-demand employer and sector skills needs. This initiative addresses the needs of adults seeking to retrain, update, or formalise their skills, and provides them with access to opportunities and guaranteed job interviews.

Furthermore, P34B’s response to the Lancashire skills bootcamp project emphasises the importance of SME involvement and employer participation in the design and delivery of Skills Bootcamps.

These efforts by P34B are a clear demonstration of the company’s commitment to informing and shaping the Lancashire Skills Improvement Plan, ensuring that the local workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to meet the demands of the current and future job market. The company’s proactive involvement in these initiatives is creating a positive impact on the community and contributing to the overall economic growth of the region.