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P34B has established a compliant carbon plan, a significant step towards our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This plan outlines our objectives and strategies to achieve a 7% reduction in carbon emissions, demonstrating our dedication to making a positive impact on the planet.

Our carbon plan encompasses a comprehensive approach, including an audit to highlight our Net Zero commitments to our supply chain and support partners, and a requirement for our supply chain to evidence their commitments as well. We are investing in consumption measurement and monitoring with our P34B ‘Default Off’ policy to ensure efficient energy use.

Travel is another area of focus, as we explore opportunities to reduce diesel emissions through car sharing, increasing public transport travel, and the potential introduction of another electric vehicle, subject to a business case. We are also in discussions with our landlord to switch to Biogas for our utilities, and we are avoiding creating new heated spaces, opting instead for smaller self-contained pods to minimise consumption while increasing usable areas.

Performance monitoring is integral to our plan, as we will monitor our performance internally and through external audits to ensure we are honouring our commitments and leveraging best practices.

Our CSR Silver Accreditation is a testament to our ongoing efforts in corporate social responsibility, and we are proud to maintain this status. We believe that our compliant carbon plan is not just a step towards achieving our sustainability goals but also a promise to our clients and partners that we are a responsible and forward-thinking company.